Creative Reading & Writing
了解最新話題,拓寬視野,豐富內涵 詞彙
使用劍橋大學出版社2020年出版的Primary Path系列閱讀和語法寫作教材,主要以“主題貫穿閱讀和寫作”為主。本系列由國際編輯團隊精心編輯。內容新穎全面,讓孩子發現閱讀的樂趣,從而將閱讀的意義從理解段落轉變為拓寬知識面。
Creative Reading & Writing
Use Dialogue Reading strategies to increase class interest and interactivity
In the textbook, through the works created by award-winning writers & illustrators (Fiction novels/Non-Fiction literature), and the interactive reading strategy of "Dialogue Reading", so that children can be exposed to different themes and styles. Dialogue Reading helps them easily grasp the subject and focus of the article, and enhances their reading interest and language learning ability. The courses syllabus cover the needs for different primary school grades. The genres include: poems, debates, magazine articles, fables, blogs, newsletters, emails, recipes, etc.
Teach simple "process writing" strategies to write structured writing
The course allows children to come into contact with different themes and writing style templates, and coordinate with the guidance and design of "Process Writing" to strengthen students' thinking and organizational skills, so that they can use the correct grammar to write clearly organized, rich and substantial content article.
Familiar with school exam question types, strengthen the training of reading comprehension
The reading comprehension and writing exercises in the course are designed with reference to the examination question types of Hong Kong schools in recent years, and relevant answering skills are taught to help students familiarize themselves with the examination mode and easily cope with the school and public examinations.